Exotic plants and animals are turning up in Antarctica and on the
most remote islands on Earth. For example, the Australian redbacked spider – it’s made its way to countries fairly near home,
such as New Zealand and Japan, as some of you may know- well,
it’s also been found on Tristan da Cunha, (31) which is a remote
island, thousands of miles from anywhere, way out in the middle of the Atlantic.
(the) Atlantic (Ocean)
(the) Atlantic (Ocean)
but it became an extraordinarily destructive pest. The fact that rabbits increased so rapidly is perhaps more understandable when we remind ourselves that they had originally been introduced to England from continental Europe eight centuries earlier. (32) This
was because they were regarded as a luxury food source, and in spite of having warm fur, they probably originated on the hot dry plains of Spain, which of course explains why they thrive in the climate of Australia
(luxury) food (source)
Distraction Rabbits’ ‘fur’ is mentioned but there is no suggestion
they were imported for the fur to be ‘used for’ something
much less cuddly example of a pest introduced to Australia, this
time from America, is fire ants. These are increasing and spreading
very fast. (33) Their huge nests can now be found in gardens in the city of Brisbane and they are costing the Australian government a great deal of money in control measures. These were an accidental introduction, rather than a deliberate one, brought to Australia, probably in horticultural imports or in mud on second-hand machinery.
(in) gardens
Distraction ‘nests’ are what the ants make, not their ‘habitat’
(which is what this column is about)
in Scotland,
because they were bigger than the natives. (35) The aim was that they would be more effective than native species, but in fact they don’t do more for the soil condition than the smaller locals which they displace. Although they don’t do a lot of harm, as far as we know up to now, this will probably prove to have been a mistake.
For example, something that is not necessarily a major disaster compared to other ecological experiments: (34) in 1975 an Australian species of earthworm was deliberately introduced to the northern hemisphere, in Scotland, because they were bigger than the natives. (35) The aim was that they would be more effective than native species, but in fact they don’t do more for the soil condition than the smaller locals which they displace. Although they don’t do a lot of harm, as far as we know up to now, this will probably prove to have been a mistake.
Soil (condition)
Distraction ‘natives’, ‘native species’ and ‘locals’ are all
mentioned but the pests ‘displace’ these, they do not improve
This is a most unwelcome newcomer in these regions of (36) north-west Europe. Basically, this flatworm came into these countries by accident. It’s now been realised that it was actually
(37) carried in the plant pots containing exotic ornamental shrubs
and so on, and as it eats local earthworms, and doesn’t benefit the
local ecology in any way, it is a real pest
North(-)west / north(-)west
Distraction ‘Scotland’ and ‘Iceland’ are mentioned, but they are
names of countries so they cannot be the adjective in front of
A much more serious case, also in Scotland, as well as other
countries, along with the latest victim, Iceland, is the New Zealand
flatworm. This is a most unwelcome newcomer in these regions of
(36) north-west Europe. Basically, this flatworm came into these
countries by accident. It’s now been realised that it was actually (37) carried in the plant pots containing exotic ornamental shrubs and so on, and as it eats local earthworms, and doesn’t benefit the local ecology in any way, it is a real pest
plant pots
Distraction ‘ornamental shrubs’ are mentioned but the flatworms
came in the earth in the pots, not the plants.
Next, there’s a further instance, this time in the water and it’s come
from Japan. It’s (38) a delicious but very fast-spreading seaweed and is one of many exotic species, large and small, in the seas covering the rocks around Australia. Unfortunately, it is replacing indigenous seaweeds and permanently altering the ecosystem. However, to look at the situation from a business point of view….
Because there have been many escapes over the years, it is now
to be found flying about in feral flocks where the climate suits it.
So, these flocks of budgerigars have been getting very numerous (39) in the south-east of the United States, particularly in residential areas. People have been getting quite worried about this, but it has been observed that the size of the flocks has diminished somewhat recently.
We might take as an example a native of Australia, the
budgerigar, the most common pet parrot in the world, of course.
Because there have been many escapes over the years, it is now
to be found flying about in feral flocks where the climate suits it.
So, these flocks of budgerigars have been getting very numerous
(39) in the south-east of the United States, particularly in residential
areas. People have been getting quite worried about this, but it has
been observed that the size of the flocks has diminished somewhat
recently. The fact that they are smaller is thought to be (40) due to the fact that new competitors for their habitat have arrived from other places.
(new) competitors
قسمت چهارم آزمون شنیداری، همانطور که می دانید شامل 10 سوال است به شکل یک lecture یا تدریس استاد دانشگاه، ولی برای هر دو دسته داوطلبان آکادمیک و جنرال.
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تمام حقوق برای بهروز غفاریان و سایت سِلف اُستادی محفوظ است. 1402 / 2023
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