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نمونه سوال True/ False/ NG ریدینگ آیلتس


In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE If the statement agrees with the information

FALSE If the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN If there is no information on this

سوالات در اسلاید بعدی، و متن در پی دی اف منوی زیر:

1 Dr Maria Richter believes that people become interested in collecting in early childhood.

2 A form of collecting may have helped some ancient humans to survive

3 Leonard Woolley expected to find the remains of a private collection at Ur.

Pfd File


1 TRUE: According to Dr Richter, ‘in the very first years of life, we form emotional connections with lifeless objects such as soft toys’, and these relationships ‘are the starting point for our fascination with collecting objects’.

2 TRUE: The text states that, ‘Only by collecting sufficient food supplies . . . could our ancestors stay alive. . .

نمونه سوال True/ False/ NG ریدینگ آیلتس


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Hint #1

1 TRUE: According to Dr Richter, ‘in the very first years of life, we form emotional connections with lifeless objects such as soft toys’, and these relationships ‘are the starting point for our fascination with collecting objects’.

2 TRUE: The text states that, ‘Only by collecting sufficient food supplies . . . could our ancestors stay alive. . .

3 FALSE: The text states that Woolley’s plan when he travelled to Ur was ‘only to excavate the site of a palace’. However, ‘to his astonishment’ he found an old museum instead.

4 TRUE: The text states that accompanying some of the artefacts, Woolley found ‘descriptions like modern-day labels’. These are referred to as ‘texts’, i.e. ‘writing’.

5 Not Given: The text states that ‘very little else is known about Princess Ennigaldi or what her motivations were for setting up her collection’. Her motivations are not known, hence Not given is correct.

6 FALSE: The text states that Cabinets of Curiosities ‘typically included fine paintings and drawings’. However, ‘equal importance was given to exhibits from the natural world’