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نمونه سوال Summary Completion ریدینگ آیلتس


Questions 37-40
Complete the summary below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

برای متن ریدینگ در منوی زیر روی نشان پی دی اف کلیک کن!

Freya Stark’s later years
Stark’s book Rome on the Euphrates was said to focus too heavily on ….37.… rather than what her audience had come to expect. Stark’s motivation for going to Afghanistan when she was 75, she was to visit an ancient ….38…. In her old age, she continued to publish collections of ….39… along with books about her life. She was often accompanied by her ….40.… when she traveled.

Pfd File


Questions 37–40
37 history: was criticised at the time for being
overloaded with history and less in the genre of travel book
38 minaret: She went to see a twelfth-century minaret …
39 letters: four volumes of autobiography and eight volumes of letters….
40 godchildren: Towards her final years, she took many of her godchildren on trips to inspire and educate them

نمونه سوال Summary Completion ریدینگ آیلتس


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Hint #1

Questions 37–40
37 history: was criticised at the time for being
overloaded with history and less in the genre of travel book
38 minaret: She went to see a twelfth-century minaret …
39 letters: four volumes of autobiography and eight volumes of letters….
40 godchildren: Towards her final years, she took many of her godchildren on trips to inspire and educate them