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نمونه سوال Multiple Choice ریدینگ آیلتس


Questions 33-36
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

برای متن ریدینگ در منوی زیر روی نشان پی دی اف کلیک کن!

33 Hennepin’s account of his visit to Niagara Falls

  • A understated the scale of the Falls.
  • B influenced many people’s impression of the Falls.
  • C conflicted with the illustration that accompanied it.
  • D attracted criticism from locals at the time it was written.

Pfd File


33 B: Hennepin’s description is significant for the fact
that it dominated the collective imagination of the Falls [= influenced many people’s impression of the Falls]. Distraction: A: he overstated, not understated
the scale of the Falls; C: the illustration was
mentioned but not that it conflicted; D: criticism by locals at the time is not mentioned – his description
‘turned out’ (later) to be a wild exaggeration.
34 C: A natural phenomenon caused the source of the
falls to be blocked [= This phenomenon occurred due
to strong westerly winds keeping water in Lake Erie, along with an ice jam that dammed the river near
Buffalo, New York]. Distraction: A: workers from the Maid in the Mist took advantage of the situation but
did not cause the falls to stop; B: tourists came to look but that was not the cause; D: Engineers held
back the Falls in 1969.
35 D: It was the first bridge of its kind [wire suspension]
to carry a train [= no bridge of this kind had ever
done this]. Distraction: A: While the bridge had two levels, this is not what made it remarkable; B: the
cost is mentioned ($450,000) but not how expensive that was; C: it was not the first bridge across Niagara Falls.
36 A: A combination of naturally-occurring substances [= The foam in the water at the base of the Falls is not a man-made phenomenon. It is actually calcium carbonate from the mist as it evaporates while going over the Falls. This mixes with decaying diatoms and other algae to produce the foam]. Distraction: B: we know the water drops from a height (para A)
but it is not stated that it affects the water’s colour;
C: downstream is mentioned but not that there are problems upstream; D: pollutants used to be a problem but this not the case today.

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نمونه سوال Multiple Choice ریدینگ آیلتس


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Hint #1

33 B: Hennepin’s description is significant for the fact
that it dominated the collective imagination of the Falls [= influenced many people’s impression of the Falls]. Distraction: A: he overstated, not understated
the scale of the Falls; C: the illustration was
mentioned but not that it conflicted; D: criticism by locals at the time is not mentioned – his description
‘turned out’ (later) to be a wild exaggeration.
34 C: A natural phenomenon caused the source of the
falls to be blocked [= This phenomenon occurred due
to strong westerly winds keeping water in Lake Erie, along with an ice jam that dammed the river near
Buffalo, New York]. Distraction: A: workers from the Maid in the Mist took advantage of the situation but
did not cause the falls to stop; B: tourists came to look but that was not the cause; D: Engineers held
back the Falls in 1969.
35 D: It was the first bridge of its kind [wire suspension]
to carry a train [= no bridge of this kind had ever
done this]. Distraction: A: While the bridge had two levels, this is not what made it remarkable; B: the
cost is mentioned ($450,000) but not how expensive that was; C: it was not the first bridge across Niagara Falls.
36 A: A combination of naturally-occurring substances [= The foam in the water at the base of the Falls is not a man-made phenomenon. It is actually calcium carbonate from the mist as it evaporates while going over the Falls. This mixes with decaying diatoms and other algae to produce the foam]. Distraction: B: we know the water drops from a height (para A)
but it is not stated that it affects the water’s colour;
C: downstream is mentioned but not that there are problems upstream; D: pollutants used to be a problem but this not the case today.