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Questions 28–36
28 v The involvement of two countries: the first
paragraph is about the territory of the Falls
being in Canada and the US. It goes on to discuss
cooperative efforts to slow erosion. Distraction: B
mentions a Dutch painter and a French expedition
but the nationalities are of individuals and are not
central to the paragraph.
29 vii Depictions of the Falls: two depictions
are discussed in B: the painting of the falls and
Hennepin’s written account. This is the focus of the
paragraph. Distraction: E – the way the Falls look is
discussed but not in terms of a depiction.
30 iii When the Falls stopped flowing: the falls ran
. Distraction A: this paragraph deals with water
flowing over the Falls but not the ceasing of this. iv
(Permanent damage to the bottom of the river) –
people on the dry riverbed are discussed but there
is no mention of damage.
31 ii getting from one side to the other: bridges and
the Maid in the Mist are the focus of this paragraph.
Paragraph C distracts here as people were able to
walk across the riverbed but getting from one side
to the other is not the focus of C.
32 vi Physical characteristics of the Falls: E
mentions the way the Falls look (the colour of the
water and the foam at the bottom).Distraction: i
mentions preserving the beauty of the area but
there is nothing in E about preserving it.

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