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منابع صوتی l06-mini-p3

نمونه سوال پارت سوم (plan) آزمون شنیداری آیلتس
By: SelfOstudy

Tips & Hints

Tips #1

Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO possible objections to a roof garden are discussed?

  • A problems of access
  • B the cost of construction
  • C the time needed to install it
  • D who will look after it
  • E how to support the weight of it


Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO recent developments in roof-garden building are mentioned?

  • A waterproof barrier
  • materials
  • B drainage systems
  • C tank designs
  • D lightweight construction materials
  • E watering systems
  • ———————

Questions 25-30
Label the diagram below.
Write the correct letter, A-H, next
to questions 25-30.

  • 25 wall
  • 26 electric wire
  • 27 fibre optic cable
  • 28 wooden post
  • 29 glass cap
  • 30 acrylic rod
Tips #2

Questions 21-30
21/22 B/D (in any order)
Distraction A: The tutor asks: ‘So there’d be public access?’
but this is not discussed as a problem; C: Although the student mentions time with regard to saving money: ‘they would save that much in approximately five years’, no time scale is discussed with regard to construction.

23/24 A/E (in any order)
Distraction B: Although ‘drainage issues’ are mentioned, both student and tutor agree that they ‘have been well understood for quite a long time’ (i.e. they are not ‘recent’);
C: The student talks about tank designs but not as a ‘recent development’ (‘fairly conventional storage tanks, the kind that have been in use for decades’); D: They agree on the need ‘to use lightweight materials’ but these do not need
to be modern. The tutor suggests ‘You can even use quite traditional ones such as wood’ and the student comments that these Took good’ and aren’t ‘too heavy’.

Tips #3


Slide no 3 – Questions 25-30
Label the diagram below.
Write the correct letter, A-H, next
to questions 25-30.

  • 25 wall = 
  • 26 electric wires = 
  • 27 fiber optic cables = 
  • 28 wooden posts = 
  • 29 glass caps = 
  • 30 acrylic rod = 


25 F
26 H
27 C
28 D
29 B
30 A

Pfd File

نمونه سوال پارت سوم (plan) آزمون شنیداری آیلتس


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Teacher's Guide

Hint #1

Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO possible objections to a roof garden are discussed?

  • A problems of access
  • B the cost of construction
  • C the time needed to install it
  • D who will look after it
  • E how to support the weight of it


Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO recent developments in roof-garden building are mentioned?

  • A waterproof barrier
  • materials
  • B drainage systems
  • C tank designs
  • D lightweight construction materials
  • E watering systems
  • ———————

Questions 25-30
Label the diagram below.
Write the correct letter, A-H, next
to questions 25-30.

  • 25 wall
  • 26 electric wire
  • 27 fibre optic cable
  • 28 wooden post
  • 29 glass cap
  • 30 acrylic rod

Questions 21-30
21/22 B/D (in any order)
Distraction A: The tutor asks: ‘So there’d be public access?’
but this is not discussed as a problem; C: Although the student mentions time with regard to saving money: ‘they would save that much in approximately five years’, no time scale is discussed with regard to construction.

23/24 A/E (in any order)
Distraction B: Although ‘drainage issues’ are mentioned, both student and tutor agree that they ‘have been well understood for quite a long time’ (i.e. they are not ‘recent’);
C: The student talks about tank designs but not as a ‘recent development’ (‘fairly conventional storage tanks, the kind that have been in use for decades’); D: They agree on the need ‘to use lightweight materials’ but these do not need
to be modern. The tutor suggests ‘You can even use quite traditional ones such as wood’ and the student comments that these Took good’ and aren’t ‘too heavy’.


Slide no 3 – Questions 25-30
Label the diagram below.
Write the correct letter, A-H, next
to questions 25-30.

  • 25 wall = 
  • 26 electric wires = 
  • 27 fiber optic cables = 
  • 28 wooden posts = 
  • 29 glass caps = 
  • 30 acrylic rod = 


25 F
26 H
27 C
28 D
29 B
30 A