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منابع صوتی l05-mini-p1

نمونه سوال پارت یکم (table) آزمون شنیداری آیلتس
By: SelfOstudy

Tips & Hints

Tips #1

Hostelling International
West End

  • Example 10 minutes from downtown by …( Answer: bus)
  • $50 per night but only $…(1) for members
  • Membership card offers discount on entry to …(2)
  • Internet access costs 3$ per…(3)
  • …(4)…Hostel
  • Near beach. Two-minute
    walk to…(5)…
  • $62. Meals extra but only
    available in …(
  • Was built as a hotel in …(7)…
    Can hire …(8)… from hostel
  • Backpackers Hostel
  • In …(9)… district
  • $45 plus $5 for breakfast
  • A …(10)… on every floor for guests to use
Tips #2

Answers 1-10

1 41
Distraction It’s under $30 for a bed in a dormitory and $50 for a double room without membership; membership costs $35.

2 museums
Distraction Membership also offers discounts on skydiving, white-water rafting, bicycle and car hire but these don’t fit the gap ‘entry to

3 hour
Distraction 15 minutes costs $1 not $3.

4 Elliscoat

5 ferry

6 summer
Distraction The hostel isn’t busy in winter.

Tips #3

7 1887
Distraction It was turned into a hostel in 1985.

8 scooter(s)
Distraction The man says ‘it would be quicker than cycling’ but there’s no mention of cycle hire.

9 entertainment

10 kitchen
Distraction ‘There’s no cafe …’

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نمونه سوال پارت یکم (table) آزمون شنیداری آیلتس


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Teacher's Guide

Hint #1

Hostelling International
West End

  • Example 10 minutes from downtown by …( Answer: bus)
  • $50 per night but only $…(1) for members
  • Membership card offers discount on entry to …(2)
  • Internet access costs 3$ per…(3)
  • …(4)…Hostel
  • Near beach. Two-minute
    walk to…(5)…
  • $62. Meals extra but only
    available in …(
  • Was built as a hotel in …(7)…
    Can hire …(8)… from hostel
  • Backpackers Hostel
  • In …(9)… district
  • $45 plus $5 for breakfast
  • A …(10)… on every floor for guests to use

Answers 1-10

1 41
Distraction It’s under $30 for a bed in a dormitory and $50 for a double room without membership; membership costs $35.

2 museums
Distraction Membership also offers discounts on skydiving, white-water rafting, bicycle and car hire but these don’t fit the gap ‘entry to

3 hour
Distraction 15 minutes costs $1 not $3.

4 Elliscoat

5 ferry

6 summer
Distraction The hostel isn’t busy in winter.

7 1887
Distraction It was turned into a hostel in 1985.

8 scooter(s)
Distraction The man says ‘it would be quicker than cycling’ but there’s no mention of cycle hire.

9 entertainment

10 kitchen
Distraction ‘There’s no cafe …’