Actual Test – Speaking

Introducing “Actual tests of IELTS” 2022

Reviews on Resources

advanced, high-intermed, intermediate


“IELTS Actual Test” is a valuable resource in the series designed to assist prospective candidates in their preparation for the IELTS examination. Published in 2022, this book focuses specifically on speaking questions, offering a comprehensive collection alongside exemplary sample answers. The structured approach employed within this text not only familiarizes test-takers with the format of the speaking assessment but also enhances their confidence and proficiency through clear, practical examples. As such, it serves as an essential tool for individuals aspiring to achieve their desired scores in the IELTS speaking module.

actual test

Pfd File

A sample unit of the book


سری کتابهای اکچوآل تست به همت یک استاد دانشگاه در آمریکا و همکارانشان در جلدهای متعدد تهیه شده و می تواند نمونه های خوبی برای ایده گرفتن به داوطلبان ارایه کند

Actual Speaking January – March 2020

Actual Speaking May – July 2020

Actual Speaking 2019     Actual Speaking 2018

How to

Study Tips:

This book can be read in two ways:

  1. Search for the topics you are looking for, study it, and practice the questions & answers.
  2. Start from the first page, and follow the order of the book.
  3. There is another book to use for IELTS speaking: Makkar IELTS speaking which can be very helpful. Download it from our Telegram Chanel.


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Teacher's Guide

Hint #1

Study Tips:

This book can be read in two ways:

  1. Search for the topics you are looking for, study it, and practice the questions & answers.
  2. Start from the first page, and follow the order of the book.
  3. There is another book to use for IELTS speaking: Makkar IELTS speaking which can be very helpful. Download it from our Telegram Chanel.