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Vocabulary Set 1: Carefully study the vocab list below, which is related to the topic. Match the definition with each word, and possibly try to use them in sentences, whether in your speaking or writing.
1. Family
2. Siblings
3. Parents
4. Mother
5. Father
6. Brother
7. Sister
8. Relatives
9. Child
10. Kids
11. Grandparents
12. Cousins
13. Uncle
14. Aunt
15. Family tree
16. Close
17. Support
18. Love
19. Home
20. Together
21. Spend time
22. Celebrate
23. Weekend
24. Household
25. Tradition
26. Care
27. Relationship
28. Happy
29. Discuss
30. Share
ابتدا یک نگاه به این لیست بیندازید.
اگر 20 تا و بیشتر از لغات ابن لیست را میدانید، به صفحه بعد بروید.
اگر تعداد کمتری بلدید، با معلم خود مشورت کنید تا دوره ی جایگزین بهتری به شما معرفی کند.
Vocabulary Set 2: Continue working on the vocab list below, which is either on a higher level or simply the continuation of the previous list.
Pre-intermediate Level
1. Kin – Family is considered one’s closest kin.
2. Nephew – My nephew is my brother’s son.
3. Niece – She is my niece, my sister’s daughter.
4. Cousin – My cousin is the child of my aunt or uncle.
5. Aunt – My aunt from my father’s side is coming to visit.
6. Uncle – I look up to my uncle as a father figure.
7. Stepsister – My stepsister became part of our family when my dad married her mom.
8. Stepbrother – My stepbrother is like a real brother to me.
9. Stepfather – My stepfather has been a supportive figure in my life.
10. Stepmother – I have a close relationship with my stepmother.
11. Half-sibling – My half-sibling shares one biological parent with me.
12. Grandparent – My grandparents have so many stories to share.
13. Grandchild – Welcoming a new grandchild brings so much joy to the family.
14. Godparent – My godparent plays an important role in my spiritual development.
15. Godchild – As a godchild, I have a special bond with my godparent.
Pre-intermediate Level
16. Adoptive – Many families choose to grow through adoptive means.
17. Custody – The court decided on joint custody for the children after the divorce.
18. Inheritance – The inheritance was divided equally among the heirs.
19. Heir – She is the sole heir to the family fortune.
20. Next of kin – In case of emergency, your next of kin should be contacted.
21. Extended family – We always have a big celebration with our extended family.
22. Nuclear family – A nuclear family typically includes parents and their children.
23. Single-parent family – She raises her child in a single-parent family.
24. Intimate partner – Building trust is important in an intimate partner relationship.
25. Domestic partner – They have been living together as domestic partners for years.
26. Cohabitation – Cohabitation is a common relationship arrangement before marriage.
27. Breakup – The breakup was difficult, but necessary for both parties.
28. Reconciliation – They worked on reconciliation and rebuilt their relationship.
29. Sibling rivalry – Sibling rivalry is common among brothers and sisters.
30. Family dynamics – Understanding family dynamics helps improve relationships.
Upper-intermediate Collocations
1. Close family: Refers to relatives with whom one has a strong emotional bond, typically immediate family members like parents and siblings.
2. Immediate family: Includes the closest relatives, such as parents, siblings, and children, typically living in the same household.
3. Extended family: Encompasses relatives beyond the immediate family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
4. Family tree: A diagram that shows the relationships between different members of a family, often spanning multiple generations.
5. Family member: Any individual who belongs to a family, including parents, siblings, and other relatives.
6. Family ties: Connections or bonds between family members based on emotional relationships and shared history.
7. Family reunion: A gathering of family members from various branches of the family tree, often to celebrate and reconnect.
8. Nuclear family: A family group consisting of two parents and their children, distinct from broader family structures.
9. Family dynamics: Refers to the patterns of interaction and relationships among family members, including roles, communication, and behaviors.
10. Family values: The beliefs, principles, and standards that are upheld within a family, often influencing behavior and decision-making.
11. Family tradition: Customs or practices that are passed down within a family, often marking special occasions or shared values.
12. Family background: Refers to the social, economic, and cultural environment in which a person was raised, including familial heritage.
13. Family home: The place where a family resides; it can refer to a house, apartment, or any dwelling where family life takes place.
14. Family health: Discusses the overall physical and mental well-being of family members, as well as family health history.
15. Family responsibilities: Duties or obligations that family members have toward each other, such as caregiving, financial support, or household management.
16. Supportive family: Describes a family environment in which members provide emotional, financial, and practical support to each other.
17. Family history: A record of significant events and relationships within a family, often used in genealogy and healthcare.
18. Family life: The everyday reality of living as a family, including relationships, routines, and activities shared among members.
19. Single-parent family: A family structure where one parent is responsible for raising the children, often facing unique challenges.
20. Blended family: A family formed by merging two separate families, often through remarriage, including step-siblings and additional parents.
Collocations about “Family”
کالوکیشن ها، جفتها یا گروههای واژگانی هستند که اغلب در کنار هم دیده می شوند. شناسایی و کاربرد این گروهها باعث می شود متن شما بسیار بهتر و طبیعی تر به نظر برسد درست مانند یک گویشوری که به زبان مادری اش صحبت می کند. توضیحات این کالوکیشن ها را در فایل آدیو در قسمت لینکها بشنوید
If you have access to Xwrails Chatbot, visit this page and enjoy practicing with an AI-speaking partner on the topic of Family.
Original audio (s), carefully selected for this topic:
To completely learn this lesson, you may need to study the following resources. Some of the materials below may require a higher user plan.
To increase your exercise routine, feel free to utilize any available chatbot. Simply copy the prompts below and use them to instruct the chatbot to create practice activities related to today’s lesson.
Will you give me a definition and an example sentence for each of these words?
1. Family
2. Siblings
3. Parents
4. Tradition
5. Care
6. Relationship
If you have access to Xwrails Chatbot (paid plans), you can click on the link below and practice with AI Chatbot.
Write 10 sentences about your family, and use some of the words and collocations you learned in this lesson. Send the sentence to your teacher for their feedback.
To Master the vocabulary, particularly the collocation regarding the topic “family”, it is a good idea to set a 45-minute class with your teacher.
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