

01012 – Speaking: Family

IELTS Speaking part 1 - Family

IELTS Speaking part 1 - Family

One of the most common topics asked in IELTS speaking especially in part 1 is “Family”. The following are some the most frequently asked questions about family in IELTS.

The questions regarding “Family” can be various:

  • Size of family, both immediate and extended
  • Family members, their personalities, jobs, appearance
  • Your relationship with parents & siblings
  • Your family activities & traditions
Part 2

· Do you come from a big family?
· Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
· What kind of a person is your father?
· What is your mother like?
· Who(m) are you more similar to? Your father or your mother
· Is your extended family large?
· Do all your family and relatives live in the same city as you do?
Whom do you live with now?

Part 3 - Hints

یکی از رایج‌ترین موضوعاتی که در بخش اول گفتگوی آیلتس پرسیده می‌شود، “خانواده” است. در ادامه، برخی از متداول‌ترین سوالات درباره خانواده در آیلتس آورده شده است

سوالات مرتبط با “خانواده” می‌تواند شامل موارد زیر باشد

– اندازه خانواده، شامل خانواده نزدیک و خانواده بزرگ‌تر
– اعضای خانواده، شخصیت‌ها، شغل‌ها، ظاهر
– رابطه شما با والدین و خواهران و برادران
– فعالیت‌ها و سنت‌های خانوادگی شما

Page 02

In part two, you are given a piece of paper called a Cue Card, with a topic for example “Describe a family celebration” with four questions. After 60 seconds of preparation time, You need to talk for 60 to 120 seconds and cover all questions.

Part 2

Describe a family celebration you have attended. You should say:

What the celebration was
Who was there
What activities took place
And explain how you felt about the celebration

Part 3 - Hints

در بخش دوم، یک برگه به نام کارت راهنما (کیو کارد) به شما داده می‌شود که موضوعی مثلا “توصیف یک جشن خانوادگی” دارد و چهار سوال مطرح می‌کند. پس از ۶۰ ثانیه زمان آماده‌سازی، شما باید به مدت ۶۰ تا ۱۲۰ ثانیه صحبت کنید و به تمام سوالات پاسخ دهید

Page 03

In part 3, you are again asked some questions, but these questions are more complicated and more challenging. They require more complicated and advanced answers too. There are many useful technics for better answers to the questions in part, which will be discussed later. The following are some part 3 questions regarding “Family”.

Part 2

1. How do family relationships impact a child’s development?

2. In your opinion, what are the advantages of having a large family versus a small family?

3. How have family structures changed in your country over the past few decades?

4. What role do you think technology plays in maintaining family relationships today?

5. Do you believe that parents should spend more time with their children? Why or why not?

Part 3 - Hints

در بخش سوم، دوباره سوالاتی از شما پرسیده می‌شود، اما این سوالات پیچیده‌تر و چالش‌برانگیزتر هستند. این سوالات نیاز به پاسخ‌های پیچیده‌تر و پیشرفته‌تری دارند. تکنیک‌های مفیدی برای ارائه پاسخ‌های بهتر به سوالات این بخش وجود دارد که در درسهای آینده بحث خواهد شد. در زیر، برخی از سوالات بخش سوم در مورد “خانواده” آورده شده است

YouTube Videos

Talking about "family" in IELTS part 1

Talking about "family & friends"

Website Videos

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No more video for this part

A common task 1 question about family - #1
By: SelfOstudy

Extra Resources

To completely learn this lesson, you may need to study the following resources. Some of the materials below may require a higher user plan.


Below, you will find an excerpt from the recommended book designed to help you practice this topic in depth. Please take the time to read the pages carefully and complete the exercises provided. For your convenience, the answers can be found at the end of the main book.

Sample page, the book "Oxford Word Skills"

Practice with Free AI

To increase your exercise routine, feel free to utilize any available chatbot. Simply copy the prompts below and use them to instruct the chatbot to create practice activities related to today’s lesson.

  • Your own chatbot
  • Xwrails chatbot
AI Free Chatbot

Generate 10 questions under the topic of “family” according to the IELTS speaking part 1 format. Make sure your list covers the most frequent topics asked in the IELTS exam.

Xwrails Lingobot

Practice this lesson with Xwrails

If you have access to Xwrails Chatbot, visit this page and enjoy practicing with an AI-speaking partner on the topic of Family.

Xwrails Chatbot – talking about family


Record your answers to these questions and send them to your teacher for feedback.

  1. Is your extended family large?
  2. Do all your family and relatives live in the same city as you do?
  3. Whom do you live with now?

Ask your teacher

If you need assistance in grasping this lesson more thoroughly or would like additional practice, it’s recommended to arrange a 45-60 minute private session with your trusted teacher. They can provide you with the personalized support you need to enhance your understanding:

  • IELTS Speaking (overview)
  • Talking about “family”
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