

01012 – Vocabulary (News Room: Unit One)

واژگان و اصطلاحات این درس در دو سطح

واژگان و اصطلاحات این درس در دو سطح

Vocabulary Set 1: Carefully study the vocab list below, which is related to the topic. Match the definition with each word, and possibly try to use them in sentences, whether in your speaking or writing.

Part 1

Pre-intermediate Level

1. Population
The people living in a particular area.
2. Proposal
A suggestion or plan put forward for consideration.
3. Plan
A detailed proposal for doing something.
4. Displacement
The act of moving people from their homes.
5. Condemnation
Strong disapproval or criticism.
6. Temporary
Lasting for a limited time only.
7. Ceasefire
An agreement to stop fighting.
8. Arrangements
Plans or preparations made for a specific purpose.
9. Damage
Harm or injury to something.
10. Conflict
A serious disagreement or struggle.

Part 2

Pre-intermediate Level

 11. Authority
The power to make decisions or enforce rules.
12. Questions
Uncertainties or inquiries about a situation.
13. Future
The time that is yet to come.
14. Diplomacy
The practice of conducting negotiations between countries.
15. Civilians
People who are not members of the military.
16. Building
A structure with walls and a roof, such as a house.
17. Task
A job or duty to be done.
18. Repair
To fix something that is broken or damaged.
19. Service
Assistance provided to meet needs or requirements.
20. War
A conflict between different countries or groups.
21. Hamas
A Palestinian political and militant group.
22. Criticism
The expression of disapproval based on perceived faults.

Part 3

ابتدا یک نگاه به این لیست بیندازید.

اگر 20 تا و بیشتر از لغات ابن لیست را میدانید، به صفحه بعد بروید.

اگر تعداد کمتری بلدید، با معلم خود مشورت کنید تا دوره ی جایگزین بهتری به شما معرفی کند.

Pre-intermediate Level

Vocabulary Set 2: Continue working on the vocab list below, which is either on a higher level or simply the continuation of the previous list.

Part 1

intermediate Level

1. Shock
To cause someone to feel surprised or dismayed.
2. Clarify
To make something clear or easier to understand.
3. Vague
Not clearly expressed or defined; unclear.
4. Signal
To indicate something was intended or felt.
5. Shift
A change in position or direction.
6. Consensus
General agreement among a group of people.
7. Estimates
Rough calculations or judgments about quantity or quality.
8. Devastation
Severe and overwhelming destruction.
9. Property developer
A person or company involved in the construction and selling of buildings.
10. Observation
A remark, statement, or comment based on something seen or noticed.
11. Rubble
Broken pieces of stone, brick, or concrete from a destroyed building.
12. Unexploded munitions
Explosive devices that have not detonated.
13. Infrastructure
The basic physical systems and structures needed for operation in a society (e.g., transportation, utilities).
14. Mountains
Large piles or heaps of something; in context, it refers to a significant amount of debris.
15. Repair
The act of fixing something that is broken.

Part 2

intermediate Level

11. Rubble
Broken pieces of stone, brick, or concrete from a destroyed building.
12. Unexploded munitions
Explosive devices that have not detonated.
13. Infrastructure
The basic physical systems and structures needed for operation in a society (e.g., transportation, utilities).
14. Mountains
Large piles or heaps of something; in context, it refers to a significant amount of debris.
15. Repair
The act of fixing something that is broken.

16. Complexity
The quality of being intricate or complicated.
17. Implementation
The process of putting a decision or plan into effect.
18. Stability
The state of being stable or steady.
19. Historical
Relating to history or past events.
20. Controversy
A disagreement, often prolonged, between groups or individuals.
21. Geopolitical
Related to politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors.
22. Resilience
The ability to recover quickly from difficult conditions.
23. Strategic
Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests.
24. Negotiation
Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
25. Perspective
A particular attitude towards or way of regarding something.

Part 3


Part 1

1. Sanction
Definition: A measure taken by countries to penalize or restrict certain actions by others, usually in the context of international relations.

Sentence: The United Nations imposed economic sanctions on the country to pressure it into complying with international law.

2. Resolution
Definition: A formal decision or expression of opinion by an authority, particularly within the context of international organizations like the UN.

Sentence: The Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict.

Part 2

3. Diplomacy
Definition: The practice of conducting negotiations and maintaining relations between countries.

Sentence: Effective diplomacy is essential for preventing conflicts and promoting cooperative international relations.

4. Treaty
Definition: A formal agreement between countries that is legally binding under international law.

Sentence: The countries signed a treaty aimed at reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.

5. Human Rights
Definition: The fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often upheld by international law.

Sentence: The report highlighted serious violations of human rights in the region, prompting calls for international intervention.


Part 3


ترمینولوژی، چکیده ی پنج تا ده واژه و اصطلاحی است که اختصاصا در اخبار و علوم سیاسی در ارتباط با موضوع خبری این درس شنیده می شوند.

Answer Key

Listen to Audios

 Original audio (s), carefully selected for this topic:

vocab-unit 1: part 1
By: SelfOstudy

Extra Resources

To completely learn this lesson, you may need to study the following resources. Some of the materials below may require a higher user plan.


List: family vicabulary - 3 levels

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“Please check my understanding of these words & expressions: sanctions, resolutions, diplomacy, treaty, human rights”

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Write 10 sentences and use some of the words and collocations you learned in this lesson. Send the sentences to your teacher for their feedback.

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To Master the vocabulary, particularly the collocation regarding today’s, it is a good idea to set a 45-minute class with your teacher.

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